Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been rated in Korea

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been rated in Korea, in what might be the best proof yet that the remastered trilogy really exists. 

Earlier today on October 14, Gematsu (opens in new tab) first noticed that the Game Rating and Administration Committee of Korea had rated a product called the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. You might remember that last month in September, a report claimed that this was the name of the remastered Mass Effect trilogy from EA and BioWare.

Currently, there’s no scheduled release date for the remastered trilogy, nor are there any clues as to a potential release date in the rating from the Korean board. Shortly after the previous report, a follow-up report claimed that the Mass Effect Legendary Edition package had been delayed from late 2020 to early 2021.

As you’ll no doubt know if you’ve been following this saga since it began earlier this year, rumors have been swirling about a remastered Mass Effect trilogy for a fair while now. Multiple reports claimed the remastered trilogy exists, with one claiming it would launch in October 2020, for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Late in September, EA announced that a forthcoming Mass Effect trilogy art book would be available pre-order for release in February 2021. Naturally, a fair few Mass Effect fans out there have assumed that this is the rescheduled launch window for the remastered trilogy, but there’s nothing concrete to back these theories up right now.

If EA and BioWare ever do revisit the beloved sci-fi RPG series after 2017’s Andromeda, we’ve got a number of things we’d like to see from Mass Effect 5.

About Fox

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