Is Cersei *really* pregnant? Some big Game of Thrones questions have been answered in a new script reveal

Game of Thrones season 8 (opens in new tab) is right around the corner and there’s still a couple of massive mysteries hanging over the show. Away from the obvious question of who’ll end up on the Iron Throne, there’s a couple of big burning ones that are left tantalisingly poised at the end of Game of Thrones season 7 (opens in new tab). For one thing, is Cersei really pregnant, and does Tyrion have a thing for Dany? A treasure trove of scripts have answered some big Game of Thrones theories by pretty definitively.

Variety (opens in new tab) has uncovered the goodies, hidden deep within the Writers’ Guild of America West – and there’s a laundry list of original scripts for anyone (if you’re lucky enough to live near L.A.) to go and see for yourself.

But, if you don’t have that luxury, there are a couple of potentially spoilerific surprises that were tucked away in Game of Thrones season 7. So, if you don’t want to know whether Cersei is pregnant or if Tyrion loves Daenerys – even though the show has supposedly given us an answer to that particular question – then look away now.

So, will we hear the pitter patter of tiny Lannister feet? Surprisingly, Cersei wasn’t telling porkies when she revealed her pregnancy to Jaime. She gives the game away, according to the script, when Tyrion starts to realise something is up not long after their Dragonpit meeting, as it reads: “She stays silent for too long, long enough to tell him that he’s right. And once she knows he knows, she can think of nothing else to say.”

Welp. That’s not good news for anyone, really, let alone Cersei, who already has the deaths of three children. Fourth time’s the charm?

As for Tyrion, things might be getting super awkward in the War Room between himself, Dany, and Jon Snow. That’s because he has the hots for the Mother of Dragons. “He studies her face… Goddamn but she is beautiful. He watches her for a beat too long and looks away,” the script reveals. Poor guy.

What this means for Game of Thrones season 8 is uncertain, but now we’ve had some official clearing-up, the Lannister family tree – and their overall fates – have just gotten that much murkier.

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