Hellraiser reboot director teases the upcoming horror movie

David Bruckner has proven himself a dab hand when tackling terrifying tales. The director’s movie The Ritual was a surprise success, while The Night House, his next movie with Rebecca Hall, scared critics at Sundance earlier this year. Who better to tackle the upcoming Hellraiser reboot?

The movie will be written by David S. Goyer, who penned The Dark Knight, and will – according to Bruckner – be “something of a small reimagining” of the original movie and the source material.

“We can’t say anything about it yet,” he tells SFX in the latest issue of the magazine, which features Titans on the cover. “But it is something that we are actively working towards, and it is a joy and a dream for a filmmaker like myself to dive into that world. All I’ll say is that we are aiming to be as true as we can to the original material. [Clive Barker’s original story] ‘The Hellbound Heart’ is also a primary source of inspiration, as well as the original film. But then it is something of a small reimagining and we are currently working on it.”

The new Hellraiser will be the eleventh movie in the series, though looks set to have no links to the other ten movies (potentially for the best considering some of those movies were… shall we say, not well received). There have been rumors that Pinhead, the iconic villain, will be portrayed by a woman in the reboot, with Grand Army actor Odessa A’Zion linked to the role – though this remains unconfirmed.

Whatever the case, we’re looking forward to going back to hell in Bruckner’s interpretation of The Hellbound Heart. 

You can check out the full interview with the director – in which he discusses The Night House at length – in the next issue of SFX Magazine (opens in new tab), which features Titans on the cover. For more from SFX, make sure to sign up to the newsletter, sending all the latest exclusives straight to your inbox.

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