Genshin Impact developers respond to player feedback

Genshin Impact developer MiHoYo has responded to player questions and feedback in a new developer discussion blog post. In the post, the developers have replied to many players answering some very important questions about the future of the free to play game. 

In response to a post about never having enough Original Resin to complete daily tasks and weekly Battle Pass missions, developers have said that in Version 1.1, they have decreased the Original Resin requirement for Battle Pass weekly mission from 1,600 to 1,200 and players will be able to store up to a maximum of 160 Original Resin, an increase from the current 120. 

Players have been asking about key bindings and controller setup changes and according to the blog post, the developers are currently in the process of developing a key bind/controller setup function that will go live with Version 1.1 on November 11.

Developers will also be adding a new way of filtering artifacts based on their basic attributes, making the process of finding specific items easier for players. In addition, small character avatars will appear next to icons of equipped artifacts and weapons, allowing players to know exactly which party member has what item. Both of these changes will go live with Version 1.1.

The developer discussion also contained a very detailed answer to a question about how damage is calculated when a character has more than one shield. The response read, “In practice, when a character is hit, the damage sustained will affect every active shield simultaneously. After this damage is calculated, if the character still has shield(s) remaining the character themselves will not take damage.” 

Included in the response is a detailed example of how this would work in game, as well as a developer breakdown on the reasoning behind the shield design. 

“Building on this aspect of gameplay is the tactic of using elemental shields to absorb damage of the same element. The mechanic we designed, whereby characters’ shields have 250 percent absorption effectiveness against elemental damage of the same type, is likewise based on the aforementioned consideration.”

In one respect, our decision not to employ stackable shields in our design was to avoid the need for players to acquire many shield-type characters. This would also have had a negative effect on the diverse party tactics that we were hoping to see. Of course, retaining one or two types of elemental shields is also a perfectly valid strategy against complex elemental damage, and this can also be achieved rather easily through the Crystallize Reaction.”

It looks like MiHoYo will continue taking player feedback into consideration in the future, and you can expect all of these updates mentioned in the next Version 1.1 patch.

Read more on how Genshin Impact surveys are asking for feedback on events and end-game content.

About Fox

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