Finding Fortnite car parts is the name of the game if you want to help Sparkplug out, as apparently Dummy has been up to his old tricks and destroyed yet another vehicle, scattering the pieces in the process. This forms part of the Fortnite Week 2 quests, and it means we’re off on a collectibles hunt – though the catch is we don’t know exactly what Fortnite car parts even look like, which makes things rather tricky. Helpfully, we’ve already been searching around Fortnite to round up these errant automobile components, so let us explain where you’ll find all of the Fortnite car parts locations.
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Fortnite Car Parts locations
There are three Fortnite car parts to find in total, which are divided between two locations – Compact Cars (the junkyard west of Dirty Docks) and Dirty Docks itself. We’ve marked them on the map above, and here are some further details to pinpoint those Fortnite car parts locations exactly:
Fortnite Car Parts 1 – Compact Cars
This Fortnite car part is on the southwest side of Compact Cars, by the wall between the orange crusher and a metal sheet fence.
Fortnite Car Parts 2 – Compact Cars
The second Fortnite car part is in the same area, but this time on the northeast side of Compact Cars, by the fence between a stack of cars and a pile of waste.
Fortnite Car Parts 3 – Dirty Docks
This final Fortnite car part is a bit of a curveball, as it’s on the southeast side of Dirty Docks, but hidden inside a green shipping container – destroy it to reveal the item within for collection.
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