Borderlands 3 makes Claptrap the next David Attenborough for latest videos

Claptrap may as well leak Marmite from every vent, you either love or hate the chatty little guy. Me, I’m a fan, so the latest Borderlands 3 (opens in new tab) videos are a frickin’ delight. They put Claptrap in the role of a presenter in a wildlife documentary, think David Attenborough but small, metal, and with a Psycho called Steven working the camera. 

“We have talked about this Steve,” rages Claptrap as a dead flying thing that appears to be made of scrotum skin falls at his feet. Wheel. Foot wheel. “Jesus H reindeer games my dude! Don’t kill things when I’m on camera.”

Honestly, you won’t learn anything about the flora and fauna of Pandora from the video, but you will get a taste of the trademark humor that glues the mad world of Borderlands together. This is just the first in a series and I’m really hoping we get to see Steve grow as a character. I feel like he’s got so much more to give than bullets. 

Borderlands 3 will be released on September 13 on PS4, Xbox One, and on PC via the Epic Store. There are four new Borderlands 3 Vault Hunters on their way in the game, including Moze, The Gunner, Amara, The Siren, FL4K, The Beastmaster and Zane, The Operative. Here’s hoping for Steve the Psycho DLC. 

Need a new television to make those Borderlands 3 graphics shine? We’re tracking all the best Amazon Prime Day game deals (opens in new tab) right here. 

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