50 weirdest documentaries

People Are Strange

Truth is not only stranger than fiction, it also often makes for bloody brilliant documentary films that make their fictional cousins look vapid and dull in comparison. Some documentary filmmakers have have chosen subjects so bizarre and esoteric you wouldnt have thought anybody would want to watch them, until you see them and realise that the extraordinary exists in the ordinary world around us.

From rockumentaries about vile musicians to a man creating grizzly bear proof armour, welcome to a wonderful world of oddness.

50. Anvil: The Story Of Anvil (2008)

You Couldnt Make It Up: Gervasi first met the band in 1982 after a London gig, and became their roadie for three of their mid-80s tours. They nicknamed him Teabag.

49. Bowling For Columbine (2002)

You Couldnt Make It Up: Not only do we learn that you can get a free gun by opening a bank account, theres also that unsettling cameo from Charlton Heston.

48. Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter Jr (1999)

You Couldnt Make It Up: Leuchter actually had no qualifications for the work he carried out in the prisons–a fact that the prisons werent bothered about.

47. The Sweetest Sound (2001)

You Couldnt Make It Up: When a lady on the street is asked what the name Alan makes her think of, her reply is fat. Poor Alan.

46. Thoth (2002)

You Couldnt Make It Up: As a child, Thoth created his own language–and country.

45. Lemmy (2010)

You Couldnt Make It Up: Before hed let the directors film him frying chips, Lemmy made them first clean his kitchen for him. Sheesh.

44. Senna (2010)

You Couldnt Make It Up: Both Senna and Austrian driver Roland Ratzenberger died at the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix while competing in different events.

43. Hated (1994)

Couldnt Make It Up: See Allin run! And drink! And shit! This is a no-holds-barred expose that shows the lengths to which Allin would go to shock the world.

42. Dancing Outlaw (1991)

You Couldnt Make It Up: When he was arrested in 2009, White was bonded out by MTV, who had just released a new documentary about him.

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